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Unfortunately, the cemetery is completely full. There are a few family plots, however, that have limited availability for cremation burials.
The church used to own the cemetery, but in 1908 the church sold both the tomb yard and the grave yard between Main Street and West Street to a group of lot holders for the sum of $1. Since that time, the cemetery is run by a non-profit corporation called the First Parish Cemetery Association.
The First Parish Cemetery Corporation established Rules & Regulations for all lot owners and visitors. Here is a link to the complete Rules & Regulations.
The public is welcome to respectfully explore the cemetery at any time from sunrise to sunset. Information about specific grave locations and stories of memorable people buried in the graveyard are available on this site under NOTABLE STONES. There are also tours of the cemetery, in conjunction with the Norwell Historical Society, every October.
First Parish Cemetery Association
P.O. Box 763 | Norwell, Massachusetts | 02061